“HEY!  Don’t turn that down!”, I snap at my
husband who has interrupted my backup singing so he can figure out some
complicated directions on our way to Boston. He looks at me, warily, from the corner of his eye.

Shoot. I have been caught singing along to the kids’ music.
It’s no secret that I dislike a lot of the music my kids love. This is a big reason we listen to a lot of audio books in the car. But, then kindie rock artist all-star Justin Roberts releases his new CD, Pop Fly, and I actually get excited to hear it.

My oldest, who loathes a hairbrush, loves the silliness of Henrietta’s Hair in which a slew of creatures make their home in the tangled mess on a little girl’s head. 
We all shout the chorus to Pop Fly, the title track, which captures the feelings most kids have when stuck out in left field.   When he sings, “Now, he can bring home the bacon/ He fries it up in a pan” on Stay-at-Home Dad, I laugh at the hilarious 70’s perfume ad reference; my kids just love that he is singing about their friend’s dad.

Preview the tracks on Amazon then buy this CD for your kids, but I bet you will listen to it even when they aren’t around.  It’s okay, I do it too. —Christina

Congratulations to Amelia C, Jennifer P, Jessica H, Kraig H, and Shenna S – each won an autographed copy of Pop Fly!